When looking into a personal unsecured loan one of the many factors lenders will evaluate is the credit score of the potential borrower. Having a good credit score is usually an important criterion to obtaining a loan, but there are lenders that will work with those with bad credit and provide unsecured UK loans.
One of the most common questions in regards to credit is, “
What is a good credit score?” Unfortunately, there is not one uniform number that corresponds to a good or bad credit score because not all of the largest credit reference agencies use the same scoring system. A score of 500 with Equifax is excellent, but a 500 with Experian is very poor. Today we will look solely at Experian and what constitutes a good credit score with them.
Experian is the largest of the 3 credit reference agencies and uses a multi-tiered scale of 0-999. The 5 tiers breakdown like this:
961-999 is an Excellent score
881-960 is a Good score
721-880 is a Fair score
561-720 is a Poor score
0-560 is a Very Poor score
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